Simple installation

  1. Obtain the latest source code using git or direct download.
git clone
  1. Open MATLAB and type

where ValoMC/ is the the folder from the zip archive or obtained using git.

  1. Type
cd ValoMC

to compile mex files for MATLAB. This assumes that a working C++ compiler has been installed and compiles a serial version of the code. See below on instructions how to obtain a suitable compiler such as GCC and how to compile the parallel version.

You can now run the examples in the examples/ -folder. The next time you use ValoMC, the mex files will be already compiled and you simply need to repeat step 2 to continue using ValoMC.

  1. Test the installation

Try to run e.g. simpletest.m.

cd examples

If you receive error messages, it most likely means the mex compiler has not yet been set up in MATLAB. Messages along the lines ' version GLIBCXX_3.4.21 not found' means that MATLAB does not support the GCC version. For instructions how to compile the mex files with another GCC version, see 'How to obtain a suitable compiler'.

Advanced installation

CMake compilation

CMake is a program that can automatize the compilation process. It can be obtained here. ValoMC can then be installed from command prompt, at 'ValoMC/'

cmake .
cmake --build .

This will build the external executables as well as the mex files. It will try to compile the parallel versions. If problems persist, see below how to compile the external executable and the mex files manually and how to obtain a suitable compiler. To use CMake with another compiler, you can use e.g.

cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/g++-4.9
cmake --build .

Compiling the external executable manually

The external executable can be used to run ValoMC e.g. on a cluster without MATLAB (see example: 'Generating input for the external executable'). The source code for the external executables are located in 2d/cpp/ and 3d/cpp/. These folders contain Ubuntu makefiles for reference. CMake also builds the external executables. The 2D code can be manually built using

g++ MC2D.cpp -o MC2D.a -O3

The multi-threaded (OpenMP) version can be compiled with

g++ MC2D.cpp -o MC2D.a -O3 -DUSE_OMP -fopenmp

Generalization to other compilers than GNU ones should be straightforward.

Multithread (parallel) compilation from MATLAB commmand prompt

Linux (gcc): To compile with OpenMP (multithread) support (from MATLAB prompt, at 'ValoMC/'):

mex   -DUSE_OMP cpp/2d/MC2Dmex.cpp COMPFLAGS='\$COMPFLAGS -fopenmp' CXXFLAGS='\$CXXFLAGS -fopenmp' LDFLAGS='\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp'
mex   -DUSE_OMP cpp/3d/MC3Dmex.cpp COMPFLAGS='\$COMPFLAGS -fopenmp' CXXFLAGS='\$CXXFLAGS -fopenmp' LDFLAGS='\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp'

Windows (Visual Studio):


How to obtain a suitable compiler

MATLAB MEX system must be set up before installing ValoMC. It needs to have an external C++ compiler to work.


For example, the TDM gcc compiler can be obtained from this site.

After installation you can use

mex -setup

to inform MATLAB of the location. Alternatively, Visual Studio can be obtained following this link.


To get gcc in Ubuntu you can use

sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install gcc

in shell. Depending on your MATLAB, it might be necessary to obtain an older version of the compiler. For example, if MATLAB supports g++ 4.9 you can install it by

sudo apt-get install g++-4.9
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9

and use e.g. (from MATLAB prompt, at 'ValoMC/'):

mex  -v GCC='/usr/bin/gcc-4.9' -DUSE_OMP cpp/2d/MC2Dmex.cpp COMPFLAGS='\$COMPFLAGS -fopenmp' CXXFLAGS='\$CXXFLAGS -fopenmp' LDFLAGS='\$LDFLAGS -fopenmp'

to compile the mex files.