Runs a photon transport simulation USAGE: solution = ValoMC(vmcmesh, vmcmedium, vmcboundary) solution = ValoMC(vmcmesh, vmcmedium, vmcboundary, vmcoptions) DESCRIPTION: This main function used to initiate simulations. The input structures are documented in more detail in the homepage (see below). INPUT: vmcmesh - contains the geometry of the system .H - element topology .BH - boundary element topology .r - node coordinates vmcmedium - contains the optical properties of the medium .absorption_coefficient all have same size as size(H,1) .scattering_coefficient .scattering_anisotropy .refractive_index vmcboundary .lightsource - type of the lightsource (e.g. {'cosinic'}. {'gaussian'}) .lightsource_direction - size(H, Ndim) .lightsource_direction_type - {'relative'} or {'absolute'}, direction with respect to normal or an absolute direction OPTIONAL INPUT: vmcoptions .photon_count .disable_progressbar - true or false .seed - random number generator seed OUTPUT: output .element_fluence - size(H,1) .boundary_exitance - size(BH,1) .seed_used .simulation_time OPTIONAL OUTPUT: .grid_fluece - per pixel/voxel fluence if the mesh was created using createGridMesh SEE ALSO: This function is provided with ValoMC