Setting boundary conditions and visualising the boundary solution: boundarytest.m

This example demonstrates how to set the refractive index as a boundary condition and how to plot the fluence and the exitance on the boundary.



xsize =  10;    % width of the region [mm]
ysize =  10;    % width of the region [mm]
dh = 0.1;       % discretisation size [mm]
vmcmesh = createRectangularMesh(xsize, ysize, dh); % create a rectangular mesh

% Set constant optical parameters troughout the medium
vmcmedium.absorption_coefficient = 0.15;     % absorption coefficient [1/mm]
vmcmedium.scattering_coefficient = 0.1;      % scattering coefficient [1/mm]
vmcmedium.scattering_anisotropy = 0.0;       % scattering anisotropy parameter [unitless]
vmcmedium.refractive_index = 1.3;            % refractive index [unitless]

Find boundary elements

line1_start = [-10 0];
line2_start = [-10 0];
line3_start = [-10 0];

line1_end = [-2.5 3.75];
line2_end = [-2.5 0];
line3_end = [-2.5 -3.75];

line_width = 1.0;

boundary1 = findBoundaries(vmcmesh, 'direction', line1_start, line1_end, line_width);
boundary2 = findBoundaries(vmcmesh, 'direction', line2_start, line2_end, line_width);
boundary3 = findBoundaries(vmcmesh, 'direction', line3_start, line3_end, line_width);
boundary4 = findBoundaries(vmcmesh, 'direction', line1_end, [2.5 6.25], line_width);

Create the boundary and set boundary conditions

'createBoundary' creates a boundary condition structure for a given mesh. If the medium is given as the second argument, 'createBoundary' will build an array 'exterior_refractive_index' with no change in the refractive index when the photon packets encounter a boundary (i.e. a boundary condition with a matching reafractive index).

vmcboundary = createBoundary(vmcmesh, vmcmedium);

% Set the exterior refractive index at the third boundary segment to be higher than elsewhere
% so that light will be reflected from it
vmcboundary.exterior_refractive_index(boundary4) = 1.8;

Set up light sources

% Set up three light sources at the boundary to the locations
% returned by 'findBoundaries'.

vmcboundary.lightsource(boundary1) = {'direct'};
vmcboundary.lightsource(boundary2) = {'direct'};
vmcboundary.lightsource(boundary3) = {'direct'};

% Calculate and normalise a direction vector for two of the lightsources
dir1 = (line1_end - line1_start);
dir2 = (line3_end - line3_start);
dir1 = dir1 / norm(dir1);
dir2 = dir2 / norm(dir2);

% Use the line to set the direction vectors of the lines
vmcboundary.lightsource_direction(boundary1,1) = dir1(1);
vmcboundary.lightsource_direction(boundary1,2) = dir1(2);
vmcboundary.lightsource_direction(boundary3,1) = dir2(1);
vmcboundary.lightsource_direction(boundary3,2) = dir2(2);
vmcboundary.lightsource_direction_type(boundary1) = {'absolute'};
vmcboundary.lightsource_direction_type(boundary3) = {'absolute'};

% Change the irradiance
% The total strength of the lightsources is 1 W and the strength
% per unit distance is a constant. The sources 1 and 3 have the same length.
% In direct lightsources, all photons are launched to the same direction
% so tilting the lightsource increases the photon density in the beam it
% emits. To keep the fluence constant in all the beams, the irradiance of
% the tilted lightsources is reduced by a factor of \vec n dot \vec s,
% where \vec n is the boundary normal and \vec s is the beam direction.

vmcboundary.lightsource_irradiance(boundary1) = dot(dir1, [1 0]);
vmcboundary.lightsource_irradiance(boundary2) = 1;
vmcboundary.lightsource_irradiance(boundary3) = dot(dir2, [1 0]);

% Notice that now the first light source is directed towards the third
% boundary segment. Due to the refractive index mismatch, a total internal
% refection will occur at the boundary.

Run the Monte Carlo simulation

solution = ValoMC(vmcmesh, vmcmedium, vmcboundary);
  Version:  v1.0b-118-g853f111
  Revision: 131
  OpenMP enabled                     
  Using 16 threads
Initializing MC2D...


Plot the solution

hold on;

% The boundary solution is given as a constant fluence and extitance values
% at each boundary element.

% To plot the boundary fluence with plot3, an average coordinate of each
% boundary element is calculated

avgr = (vmcmesh.r(vmcmesh.BH(:, 1),:) + vmcmesh.r(vmcmesh.BH(:, 2),:))/2;
h = plot3(avgr(:,1), avgr(:,2), (solution.boundary_exitance), 'b','LineWidth',1.5);

% Draw the fluence in each element as before
patch('Faces', vmcmesh.H, 'Vertices',vmcmesh.r, 'FaceVertexCData', log(solution.element_fluence), 'FaceColor', 'flat', 'EdgeColor','none');
c = colorbar;                       % create a colorbar
c.Label.String = 'Fluence [J/mm^2]';
legend(h,{'Boundary exitance'});

% tilt the view
az = -54;
el = 34;
view([az, el]);
zlabel('Boundary value [(J/mm^2)]');

hold off