createBH Creates a boundary topology

createBHN Creates topology neighbourhood BHN for boundary topology BH

createBoundary Creates a boundary structure for a mesh

createCircularMesh Creates a circular finite element mesh

createGridMesh Creates a triangular/tetrahedral finite element mesh that consists of pixels/voxels

createHN Creates topology neighbourhood HN for topology H

createMedium Creates a vmcmedium structure

createRectangularMesh Creates a mesh structure with a rectangular geometry

exportMMC Export the mesh for mesh-based Monte Carlo (MMC) software suite

exportValoMC Exports the simulation setup into ASCII file that can be run by the external executable

exportX3D Export the mesh into X3D format

findBoundaries Finds boundary elements from the mesh

findElements Finds elements from the mesh

importNetGenMesh Imports NetGen .vol files

importToastMesh Imports a mesh from the Toast++ software suite

importValoMC Imports simulation results that are generated using the external executable

ValoMC Runs a photon transport simulation