Working with a realistic 3d model
This example demonstrates how the functions introduced in the previous examples can be used to simulate light propagation in a mouse. Please note that the model is not part of this work and is not distributed here. The digimouse model can be obtained from For information how to cite the mouse see
if(exist('Tesselated_Atlas.mat', 'file') ~= 2) error('Could not find the mesh data file. Please unzip Tesselated_Atlas.mat from to the examples folder.'); end load 'Tesselated_Atlas.mat'
Build mesh
The model is not exactly in the format needed. The surface is given as a separate array, therefore the surface triangles are mapped to the volumetric mesh
surface_coordinates = find(ismember(r,r_hull,'rows')); % find the surface coordinates from the volumetric mesh vmcmesh.BH = surface_coordinates(S_hull); % map the surface triangles to mesh triangles % The rest of the mesh definition is in the right format vmcmesh.r = r; vmcmesh.H = T;
Display the surface mesh
figure('rend','painters','pos',[10 10 1200 700]) hold on trimesh(vmcmesh.BH,vmcmesh.r(:,1),vmcmesh.r(:,2),vmcmesh.r(:,3),'facecolor', 'r','FaceAlpha',0.2); view(70,40); % Display the heart of the mouse (see labels_4_tetrahedrons.txt) tetramesh(vmcmesh.H(cond==3,:), vmcmesh.r); hold off
Create a medium and a boundary for the mesh
vmcmedium.absorption_coefficient=0.03; vmcmedium.scattering_coefficient=0.3; vmcmedium.scattering_anisotropy=0.9; vmcmedium.refractive_index=1.3; vmcmedium=createMedium(vmcmesh,vmcmedium); vmcboundary=createBoundary(vmcmesh,vmcmedium); % Find the approximate center of the heart by taking the mean of the % of the tetrahedrons that it consist of heart_location = mean(vmcmesh.r(vmcmesh.H(cond==3,1),:)); % For illustration purposes, we set the absorbtion coefficient of the heart % 3 times bigger as the rest of the body vmcmedium.absorption_coefficient(cond==3)=0.09; % To attach a light source, find boundary elements above it surface_above_heart = findBoundaries(vmcmesh, 'direction', ... heart_location, ... % obtain the surface elements from a region that starts heart_location+[0 0 20], ... % at the heart location and ends above it 5); % radius of the region vmcboundary.lightsource(surface_above_heart) = {'cosinic'};
Run the simulation
solution = ValoMC(vmcmesh, vmcmedium, vmcboundary);
ValoMC-3D -------------------------------------------- Version: v1.0b-118-g853f111 Revision: 131 OpenMP enabled Using 16 threads -------------------------------------------- Initializing MC3D... Computing... ...done Done
Fill the mesh region with a grid for plotting
Create a grid and obtain values from the mesh to the grid
mincoord = min(vmcmesh.r); maxcoord = max(vmcmesh.r); [gridx,gridy,gridz] = meshgrid(mincoord(1):maxcoord(1),mincoord(2):maxcoord(2),mincoord(3):maxcoord(3)); TR = triangulation(double(vmcmesh.H),vmcmesh.r); % create a matlab triangulation object from the points locations = [gridx(:) gridy(:) gridz(:)]; % form a 2D matrix from all the grid points indices = pointLocation(TR,locations); % query the indices of the tetrahedrons at grid points indices(isnan(indices)) = 1; % set the grid points that do not belong to the mesh to point at the first element gridval = reshape(solution.element_fluence(indices),size(gridx)); % get the values on the grid
Plot the solution
xmin = min(gridx(:)); ymin = min(gridy(:)); zmin = min(gridz(:)); xmax = max(gridx(:)); ymax = max(gridy(:)); zmax = max(gridz(:)); figure('rend','painters','pos',[10 10 1200 700]) hold on hslice = surf(linspace(xmin,xmax,100),... linspace(ymin,ymax,100),... ones(100)*(zmax-zmin)/2.0); % form a slice rotate(hslice,[0,1,0],90); xd = get(hslice,'XData'); yd = get(hslice,'YData'); zd = get(hslice,'ZData'); delete(hslice); colormap(jet); h = slice(gridx,gridy,gridz,gridval,xd,yd,zd); h.FaceColor = 'interp'; h.EdgeColor = 'none'; h.DiffuseStrength = 0.8; trimesh(vmcmesh.BH,vmcmesh.r(:,1),vmcmesh.r(:,2),vmcmesh.r(:,3),'facecolor', 'r','FaceAlpha',0.2); zlim([zmin zmax+1]); view(70,40); xlabel('x [mm]'); ylabel('y [mm]'); zlabel('z [mm]'); c=colorbar; c.Label.String = 'Fluence [W/mm^2]'; [v i] = max(solution.element_fluence(:));