Finding elements

Elements can be found from the mesh using the function 'findElements'. It has the following syntax

elements = findElements(mesh, querystring, optional arguments);

For example

circle = findElements(mesh, 'circle', [x y], [r])

returns the elements contained within a circle with a radius r at (x,y).

A detailed documentation of the optional arguments and the query strings are given below.

Query string Description Optional arguments Argument description Length
'rectangle' Finds the elements that are contained in a rectangle at position position Center of the box 1
width Width of the box 1
height Height of the box 1
'circle' Find the elements contained within circular region. location Center of the circle 2
radius Radius of the circle 1
'inverse' Inverses the selection elements Array that contains the indices of the elements that are selected Number of elements in the selection
'location' Finds the element nearest to a user specified location. location The location vector 2
'region' Finds the elements that lie within a boundary. 'boundary' is defined by line segments that are constructed using the indices of mesh coordinates, i.e. in similar fashion as mesh.BH (see List of structures/2d). boundary Index pair of a line segment in the boundary 2