Working with NetGen: netgentest.m

This example demonstrates how to import a mesh from Netgen. The python source code for Netgen that generates the mesh can found in the examples/ The Python source code can be viewed here


Import the NetGen file

Netgen meshes can be imported using 'importNetGenMesh'. In addition to the mesh structure, it returns the regions and boundaries in the vol file as cell arrays. If the second argument is set to 'false', a new boundary will be generated and the one in the file will not be used. It is recommended since the original boundary oftain contains boundary elements that are between normal elements. This is currently not supported in ValoMC.

clear all;

[vmcmesh regions region_names boundaries boundary_names] = importNetGenMesh('square_with_two_circles.vol', false);

Find indices

indices_for_background = cell2mat(regions(find(strcmp(region_names,'background'))));
indices_for_circles = cell2mat(regions(find(strcmp(region_names,'circles'))));
indices_for_lightsource = cell2mat(boundaries(find(strcmp(boundary_names,'lightsource'))));

Set optical parameters and light sources using the indices

vmcmedium.absorption_coefficient(indices_for_background) = 0.01;   % absorption coefficient [1/mm]
vmcmedium.scattering_coefficient(indices_for_background) = 1.3;    % scattering coefficient [1/mm]
vmcmedium.scattering_anisotropy(indices_for_background) = 0.9;     % scattering anisotropy parameter [unitless]
vmcmedium.refractive_index(indices_for_background) = 1.3;          % refractive index [unitless]

vmcmedium.absorption_coefficient(indices_for_circles) = 0.09;
vmcmedium.scattering_coefficient(indices_for_circles) = 1.3;
vmcmedium.scattering_anisotropy(indices_for_circles) = 0.5;
vmcmedium.refractive_index(indices_for_circles) = 1.5;

vmcboundary.lightsource(indices_for_lightsource) = {'cosinic'};

Run the Monte Carlo simulation

solution = ValoMC(vmcmesh, vmcmedium, vmcboundary);
  Version:  v1.0b-118-g853f111
  Revision: 131
  OpenMP enabled                     
  Using 16 threads
Initializing MC2D...


Plot the solution

figure('rend','painters','pos',[10 10 1200 400])

h = subplot(1,2,1);
hold on;
patch('Faces',vmcmesh.H,'Vertices',vmcmesh.r,'FaceVertexCData', vmcmedium.absorption_coefficient(:), 'FaceColor', 'flat', 'EdgeColor','none');
c = colorbar;
hold off
title('Absorption coefficient [1/mm]');

hold on;
patch('Faces',vmcmesh.H,'Vertices',vmcmesh.r,'FaceVertexCData', solution.element_fluence, 'FaceColor', 'flat', 'EdgeColor', 'none');
c = colorbar;
title('Fluence [W/mm^2]');
hold off